It is not an easy task to manage the business and lead your team efficiently while being a friendly boss at the same time. Inflicting your orders on the employees will not make you an effective leader. How can you profitably run your business and get respected by your team? All the bosses should know the art of leadership to grow your company and maintain a healthy environment at the workspace.
Moez Kassam Anson Funds is a professional business leader who has led multiple businesses towards high levels of success. Thus, feel free to learn from him.
Here are the top five ways to lead your team effectively.
- Make Goals for your Team
Set a goal and tell your team ‘why’ that goal is essential. By setting goals using OKR Software, you and your team will have a clear idea about the tasks, and telling them ‘why’ it is vital for the growth of the company will make them work harder for the accomplishment of that goal, it will give them a clear understanding behind the existence of the team. Moez Kassam is also a chief investment officer at Anson Funds Toronto, a successful asset management company, and the main reason behind his early success was setting clear goals.
Let your team members know what you expect them to produce by delegating the tasks to the right people. You should track the progress and create milestones as sometimes you are so caught up with daily customer services and monthly reports that the bigger vision gets ignored. Carlos Castelan, the managing director at The Navio Group, says, “Setting a clear vision provides teams an understanding of why their work is valuable,”
- Give Flexible Work Hours
When you want to become a competitive company in the labor market and get the best results from your employees, you need to hire them by letting them choose their working hours or whether they want to work from home. It is not a big deal to let them work when they are most productive. For example, some might be unable to start their work early in the morning, and some might be highly productive in the morning hours.
- Be Trustworthy and Kind
Being a kind leader might not be the main reason behind a successful business, but it does impact the workability of your employees. According to a poll, 50% of the employees leave the job because of the manager. You need to appreciate and celebrate the achievements of your staff, encourage them to share their experiences, and straightforwardly communicate your intentions behind every action you make as a leader.
- Hold Regular Meetings
Organize daily, brief meetings and make your employees ask themselves two questions: What did I do yesterday and what will I do today? As a leader, give suggestions and answer the questions individually so that all tasks run smoothly. If meetings like these are held correctly, they can benefit a lot in developing the business.
- Build a Pleasant Workspace
If you invest in the interior of your office, it can have a high impact on the performance of the employees. Decorate by putting live plants for a more refreshing and welcoming feel. You can also purchase modern furniture such as chairs, desks, cabinets, etc.
Start practicing these top five tips to master the art of leadership as the performance and productivity of the team depends on how successful the team leader is.