Brick as a building material is in high demand due to its operational characteristics – it is durable, strong, environmentally friendly, safe, because it is non-combustible. Country cottages are very often built from it. Electrical wiring in a brick house is mounted in two ways – hidden and external. Let’s consider each of them in more detail.
Installation of hidden wiring in a brick house
At the stage of construction, all wiring is installed using a hidden method directly on the surfaces of rough walls, which will later be plastered.
On the one hand, the work is done neatly, all the wires are fixed. But on the other hand, they will be walled in plaster. Let’s assume that at some point there will be a need to change the load on any feeder branches to a greater side. For this, it will be necessary to pull wires with a large cross-section of wires, but already externally or in strobes, violating the integrity of the finish. If the wiring is first mounted in the corrugation, then it will be enough to pull out the old wire, and a new one is stretched in its place.
Installation of electrical wiring in a brick house by the external method
External installation of electrical wiring in brick houses is carried out only in areas with clean masonry. It is impossible to make strobes in them, as this will disturb the aesthetics, and the surface will not be covered with plaster. In this case, the optimal solution would be to use retro wiring. Even cable channels or boxes will not look so effective against the brick background.
Pay attention to the photo below – here we used ceramic insulator rollers and a distribution box made of the same material. The wires themselves visually harmonize with the bare brick – this creates a certain atmosphere, which is most suitable for finishing plinths.
No additional linings are needed in this case, as the level of fire safety is ensured not only by the absence of the risk of ignition of the walls, but also by the use of wiring in a non-combustible braid.
What does the cost of installing wiring in a brick house consist of?
The cost of electrical installation work in brick houses consists of the following factors:
- The total cost of materials
- Type of electrical equipment
- The volume of additional works
If the electrical wiring in a brick house is mounted with a minimum amount of labor, then the installation of a shield, and hidden sockets will be associated with certain difficulties.
In the photo below, you can see that the switchboard is in a niche. Wiring can be foreseen at the stage of laying the walls, but in most cases it is necessary to carry out cutting after the fact of its completion. Similar work is carried out for the arrangement of landing sockets for each internal switch, outlet.
All this affects the final cost of services.
For the installation of electrical wiring in a brick house to be carried out correctly, qualitatively, reliably, entrust this type of work to experienced professionals, whom you will find in the company Sagan Electric. They provide a full range of electrical installation services at all types of facilities.