You invest a ton of time, money, and energy building what you believe to be a high-quality website more than capable of representing your company. You expect the site to attract plenty of paying customers – but it doesn’t. Then, out of the blue, you get an unsolicited email from an SEO services provider who claims to love your website. The provider also promises to fix what is broken.
Be careful. High-quality SEO services can help your website perform better. But they are by no means a quick fix. SEO services are also limited in what they can do. If you are planning to invest in them, go into it with realistic expectations. Do not expect your SEO provider to work miracles.
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What SEO Does
The SEO acronym stands for ‘search engine optimization’. That right there tells you its main purpose. In a nutshell, SEO’s main function is to improve how well a website performs on the major search engines. Ideally, you want your site to appear on the first page of search results for a particular set of keywords. If it doesn’t show up on the first or second page, users will probably never find it.
According to Webtek Digital Marketing, most SEO firms these days do not limit themselves just to that one discipline. They embrace a full menu of disciplines that all combine to create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. This is to say that SEO services are often combined with content marketing, web development services, social media marketing, etc.
SEO Needs Time to Work
Now that you know a little bit more about what SEO actually does, it is time to address why it isn’t a quick fix. There are many reasons, beginning with the fact that SEO needs time to work. It takes time for web crawlers to recognize changes to your site. It takes time for algorithms to account for those changes and adjust its ratings accordingly.
In 2017, Google’s Maile Ohye said that it takes between 4 and 12 months to start seeing the benefits of SEO improvements. Properly implemented SEO starts working right away, but you don’t see the benefits instantly.
Traffic Is Just the Start
As a business owner, you need more than just traffic. In fact, traffic is just the start of the selling equation. What you need is traffic that generates sales. And to do that, you have to be able to convert casual visitors into paying customers. This is yet another reason SEO services are not a quick fix.
SEO services can drive traffic to your website. But what happens when visitors get there? Do they stick around long enough to make a decision about your products and services, or are they gone in under 10 seconds? This is where web development becomes important.
Visitors need to have a positive experience on your site, or they will not buy. They also will not tell others to buy from you. So if you’re going to invest in SEO, be prepared to invest in web development as well. The two go hand-in-hand.
Remember the Competition
As you ponder all of this, do not forget the competition. SEO is not a quick fix for the competition beating you at every turn. You can eventually win against your competitors, but you’ll need a long-term marketing plan and a solid digital marketing partner to help you.
SEO services are absolutely necessary. But they are not a quick fix to a website that isn’t producing results. Remember that SEO is about traffic. Selling is about converting that traffic into paying customers.