NCERT Exemplar Books are nothing but practice books which contain extra questions of higher aptitude levels. These mainly aim at providing in-depth learning experience for the students. They are used for competitive exam preparation like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, NEET etc. In CBSE Board exams, students can expect questions of a higher difficulty level. For this reason, it is beneficial to learn the concepts using these books.
Students who are preparing for the competitive exams along with the board exams are advised to make use of the NCERT Exemplar. It contains multiple choice questions, skill developing questions and concept based questions which improves their ability to answer the board exam question paper effortlessly. It is mainly designed to provide both students and teachers with higher aptitude problems and application of concepts in our daily life. Students can make use of the NCERT Exemplar Solutions if they find difficulty in answering the questions from the textbook.
When the exam date is nearby, students will be stressed with the preparation. In order to pass out with flying colors, students have to choose the right source of study material. With the numerous resources available online, it would be a difficult task for students to choose the right one. To avoid this confusion, students have to make use of the NCERT Exemplar textbooks which are strictly based on the CBSE syllabus and guidelines.
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Why are NCERT Exemplar Books important?
- Strong fundamentals
NCERT Exemplar Books help students to have a strong knowledge of the basic concepts. Most of the topics covered in the lower classes are important as it is continued in higher levels of education as well. For this purpose, it is necessary to read each chapter carefully without skipping any concepts.
- Frequently asked in the board exams
Most of the questions in the board exams appear from these books. Students should first try to answer the questions from these books which are necessary to perform well in the exams. Questions and topics should be given importance based on the syllabus and guidelines designed for the academic year by the CBSE board.
- Concepts are explained comprehensively
The intelligence quotient will vary among one student to another. Keeping this in mind, the highly experienced faculty who possess vast knowledge in the respective subject design the NCERT Exemplar books. In these books, all the concepts are explained in a comprehensive way to help students grasp them without any difficulty.
- Best study material
Compared to the other study guides available online, NCERT Exemplar books are the best. These books contain all the information which is necessary while preparing for the board exams. Apart from board exam preparation students will also understand the application of basic concepts which is important to answer the tricky questions that are asked in the competitive exams.
- Covers important topics
When it comes to board exam preparation, students should first understand the syllabus of the CBSE board. By doing this, they will be able to analyse the topics which are important from the exam point of view and work on them for a better performance. It will also help in spending quality time on concepts of more marks weightage and then can move further to the simple topics.
NCERT Books and Exemplar books are recommended by the CBSE board for the students who prepare for their final exams. While answering the questions, students can find the Textbook Solutions in both online and offline mode on the internet. It will help them to answer the questions effortlessly and get their doubts cleared instantly. By downloading the solutions PDF, students can learn new concepts without any time constraints. Touch here masstamilan